360-221-1405 [email protected]


Thank you to everyone who made our 2024 SWSF Gala a success!

At June’s SWSF Board meeting John Riley was thanked for his long service, Gabby Guidry was installed as new treasurer, and Kellie Poolman joined the Board


Saturday’s SWSF Board meeting covered a recap of the school year’s 24 Foundation funded classroom grants and Principals Discretionary Funds that totaled $62,097 in disbursements.

During the meeting, Board members wrote thank-you notes to the Gala attendees who raised $35,000 to fund next school year’s classroom grants for the purpose of enhancing students’ experiential learning.

During the meeting, John Riley was honored for his 15+ years of service — 14 of those years serving as treasurer.  During John’s tenure, more than $500,000 was raised and distributed in the form of classroom grants.  For many years, John and his wife, Donna, also signed in Gala attendees and tallied auction bids. Thank you, John and Donna!

The Board officially welcomed Gabby Guidry as the new treasurer. She has been mentored by John for the last year in order to provide a seamless transition. Her newborn daughter was a special visitor at the meeting and slept soundly through most of the proceedings.

The Board also voted in new member Kellie Poolman, parent of two future school-age students, who is eager to help the Foundation in supporting learning opportunities. A Board retreat in July will focus on plans for the new school year.

SWSF Board members (l to r): Kellie Poolman, Cindy Rupp, Clyde Monma, Shelly Ackerman, Justin Silva, Meredith Macharia, Gabby Guidry (and daughter), John Riley, Cynthia Shelton, Derek Hoshiko, Kalku Alexander. Not present: Anna Lester and Seth Raabe.

Retiring Treasurer John Riley

Incoming Treasurer Gabby Guidry

New Board member Kellie Poolman

SWSF Board President holds a special visitor

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and mail it to SWSF / PO Box 24 / Freeland, WA 98249

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View a few of the projects we funded this past year.

Read our 2022/2023 School Year Annual Report…

View a few of the projects we funded the previous year.

Pollinator Garden Project

Celebrating Milestones

Food Forest

Come join us! We’re looking to add members to our South Whidbey Schools Foundation Board. 

If you would like to help support our local public schools, we invite you to learn more about us. We usually meet once a month on a Saturday morning at the South Whidbey Community Center.

Board members serve three-year terms and help plan and produce two to three community outreach events a year. We laugh a lot, love being positively productive, and take satisfaction in rolling up our sleeves and getting a task done. Best of all, we make a difference in the lives of students in the South Whidbey School District.  Contact Shelly Ackerman, our Board President at [email protected] for more information.


Thank you to Whidbey Telecom for providing a discount for the Schools Foundation’s voicemail services. We appreciate the support!

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Mail a donation to:

SWSF / PO Box 24 / Freeland, WA 98249

Phone: 360-221-1405

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