360-221-1405 [email protected]

The High School Agriculture and the new Middle School Garden elective teach students how to grow their own food and offer a broader understanding of nature and our role in it. Students get the opportunity to not only grow and harvest fresh produce but to eat it as well.

Students prepare this produce and make dishes and meals that bring the growing experience to the next level. Administration and staff have been very supportive and accommodating… We have classroom spaces, and even funding for kitchen tools… All that is missing are the food supplies to make pesto, salsa, soups, salads and much more with produce grown right here on campus. 

This is a weekly component to both High School Agriculture and the new Middle School Garden elective. Every Friday, students take the produce they have grown and transform it into healthy and delicious dishes they get to enjoy and can share with their families. They learn valuable food preparation and food safety skills and have lots of fun in the process. 

It costs $40 a week for culinary ingredients (spices and non school-grown items) for this program. Would you be willing to sponsor a week or two?